Selasa, 12 Mei 2009

Why a permission marketing approach is required for a B2C site.

To answer this question, we must first understand the concepts of permission marketing and B2C.

Business-to-consumer (B2C) describes activities of businesses serving end consumers with products and/or services. B2C site stands for Business to Consumer, it refers to online sales made directly to consumers. The majority of B2C marketers nowadays use email marketing to make the follow up of possible customers and close the sale after several contacts.

Permission marketing Marketers obtain permission before advancing to the next step in the purchasing process. For example, they ask permission to send email newsletters to prospective customers. It is mostly used by online marketers, notably email marketers and search marketers, as well as certain direct marketers who send a catalog in response to a request.
Why a permission is required.

This form of marketing requires that the prospective customer has either obtained explicit permission to send their promotional message (e.g. an email or catalog request) or implicit permission (e.g. querying a search engine). This can be either via an online email opt-in form or by using search engines, which implies a request for information which can include that of a commercial nature. To illustrate, consider someone who searches for "buy shoes." Online shoe stores have the searchers' permission to make an offer that solves their shoe problem.
Rules of permission marketing:
 Permission must be granted – it can’t be assumed
 Permission is selfish
 Permission can be revoked as easily as it’s granted
 Permission can’t be transferred

Marketers feel that this is a more efficient use of their resources because the offers are only sent to people that are actually interested in the product. This is one technique used by marketers that has a personal marketing orientation. They feel that marketing should be done on a one-to-one basis rather than using broad aggregated concepts like market segment or target market.
Levels of permission marketing:
 Intravenous treatment – the emergency room
 Green stamps – frequent flyer miles
 Personal relationships – neighborhood butcher giving you ribeyes instead of sirloin at no charge
 Branding – people usually choose the known over the unknown
 Situational selling – a sales clerk recommends a video
 Spam – calling a stranger at home during dinner without permission

Customers may be wary of giving out personal data, and unless they make a purchase online there is usually no need for them to do so. The email/information have to be informative, especially if the aim is to build the brand and enhance customer loyalty. B2C marketing strategies are usually carried out by the CRM applications which perform the marketing automation tasks. Campaign-tool is designed to incorporate with all features required to carry out an online marketing event. The inevitable bounce back and unsubscribe requests must always be dealt with swiftly and requests for more information attended to promptly.
The key objective of online permission marketing is to enable businesses to keep in touch with customers and prospects and to develop long term and profitable relationships. Increasing customer relations by converting existing customers into loyal customers. Professionally focusing on these customers will save time and money, compared to the expense associated with finding new customers.

Rabu, 06 Mei 2009

Adalah butik online yang menjual tas impor berkualitas. Semua produk diimpor langsung tanpa perantara, sehingga harga yang tawarkan sangat kompetitif. Produknya sangat cocok untuk para remaja dan wanita muda yang selalu mengikuti perkembangan dunia mode.

Berawal dari Usaha toko retail di ITC Mangga Dua, Lt. 5 No. 32 & 42, bagsproshop menglangsungkan usahanya secara penjual retai tradisional. Dimana penjualan hanya dilakukan pada toko, dan pelangan harus mendatangi toko untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang produk-produknya maupun transaksi.

bagsproshop mengembangkan promosinya dan system penjualannya lewat website dan juga jika customer ingin bertanya tentang produk dapat secara langsung bertanya lewat YM dan email. Website yang dikelola sendiri oleh bagsproshop , karena melakukan pemesanan/penjualan online.
Untuk saat ini, Anda dapat melakukan pemesanan/order produk-produk kami dengan 3 (tiga) cara:

1. via Email
2. via Telepon/SMS
3. via Messenger

Untuk pembayaran, saat ini kami hanya melayani transfer melalui Bank BCA.
Rekening BCA
a/n Frans Tandiono
no rek. 227 018 44 67

Berikut adalah langkah-langkah pembelian :

1.Anda melakukan pemesanan dengan cara yang telah disebutkan diatas, dengan mengirimkan kode produk yang ingin anda beli dan juga jangan lupa memberitahu kami nama, alamat dan nomor telepon yang bisa kami hubungi.
2. Kami akan segera melakukan konfirmasi kepada anda bahwa pesanan anda telah kami terima dan memberitahu info produk (ketersediaan barang, biaya yang harus ditransfer setelah ditambah ongkos kirim) yang dipesan kepada anda.
3. Setelah konfirmasi dari kami selesai, anda sudah dapat melakukan transfer biaya pesanan anda melalui Bank BCA .
4. Anda memberitahu kami bahwa transfer telah dilakukan. (Kami sarankan anda memberitahu kami dengan telepon atau SMS agar pengiriman barang dapat diproses lebih cepat)
5. Setelah transfer diterima oleh pihak kami, kami akan memproses pengiriman pesanan anda. Dan kami juga akan memberitahukan kepada anda via SMS bahwa pesanan telah dikirim.

Pemesanan dapat dilakukan kepada:
Alamat : ITC Mangga Dua
Lt. 5 No. 32 & 42
Telp. : (021) 62300609
Hp. : 0815 130 16324 (Irene)
Email :
YM : /

Future dapat mengembangkan websitenya agar dapat lebih menarik di gunakan. Pengembangan website juga dapat di optimalkan dengan menjual space yang mereka miliki untuk digunakan untuk menyewakan space banner atau iklan-iklan lainya agar dapat menjadi revenue tambahan bagi